
Sec tion A: The Bo at Crew. 1-3 Sec tion B: Boa t Crew Duti es.

  1. Boat Crew Seamanship Manual Answers
  2. Us Coast Guard Seamanship Manual

1-5 Tra ine e. 1-6 Cre w Mem ber. 1-7 Boa t Eng ine er. 1-9 Co xsw ain. 1-10 Su rfm an. 1-12 Section C: Watc hsta ndin g Resp onsi bili ties.

1-13 Look out Watch. 1-14 Nigh t Loo kout Watch. 1-21 Hel m Wat ch. 1-22 Tow ing Watc h. 1-23 Anc hor Wat ch. 1-25 App en dix 1-A: The B oat C rew. 1 -27 App end ix 1 -B: The Boa t Cre w.

1-31 App end ix 1 -C: The Boa t Cre w. Sec tio n A: Saf ety Pat rol s. 2-3 Ben efi ts of Saf ety Pat rol s. 2-4 Auxiliary Safety Patrol Boat Duties. 2-5 Section B: Regatt a Patrols and Marine Parades.

2-9 Pat rol ling Reg att as. 2-10 Pat rol Boa t Ass ign men ts.

2-13 Patrolling the Various Regattas. 2-16 Mar ine Parad es. 2-21 Sectio n C: Aids to Naviga tion Patrol s. 2-23 Section D: Chart Updating Patrols. 2-25 Sec tion E: Disa ster Pat rols. 2-27 Secti on F: Port Secur ity a nd M aritim e Pol lutio n. Sect ion A: Phys ical Fitne ss Stan dard s.

Boat Crew Seamanship Manual Answers

3-3 Sec tio n B: Cre w Fa tig ue. 3- 9 Sec tio n C: Mot ion Sic kne ss. 3 -13 Sec tio n D: Let hal Fum es. 3-15 Sec tio n E: Nois e. 3-17 Sec tio n F: Dru gs a nd Al coh ol. 3- 19 Sec tion G: Col d Rel ated Facto rs.

3-21 Eff ect s of Col d Wea the r. 3-22 Hyp oth erm ia. 3-23 Fro stbi te. 3-25 La yer ing Cl oth ing. 3-26 Section H: Sun and Heat Related Factors. 3-29 Sun Bu rns.

3-30 Deh ydr ati on. 3-31 Hea t Ras h (Pr ick ly Hea t). 3-33 Hea t Cra mps. 3-34 Hea t Exh aus tion. 3-35 Heat Stroke. 3-36 Susceptibility to Heat Problems. Sectio n A: Team Coord inatio n.

Us Coast Guard Seamanship Manual

2006 honda crv manual pdf. 4-3 Te am Re lat ion sh ip. 4-4 Team Coor dinat ion and Risk Mana geme nt. 4-5 Sectio n B: Team Coord ination Standa rds. 4-7 Lea der shi p Sta nda rd. 4-8 Mission Analysis Standard. 4-9 Adap tab ilit y an d Fl exi bili ty S tand ard. 4-11 Situation Awareness Standard.

4-12 Dec isi on Mak ing Sta nda rd. 4-13 Com mun ica tio n Sta nda rd. 4-14 Ass ert ive nes s Sta nda rd.

4-15 Sectio n C: Risk Manag ement Proce ss. 4-17 The Four Rules of Risk Management. 4-18 Risk Management Process, Step 1. 4-20 Risk Management Process, Step 2. Risk Management Process, Step 3. 4-23 Risk Management Process, Steps 4, 5, 6, & 7. 4-25 Sect ion D: Info rmal Cre w Bri efin g an d Deb rief ing.

4-27 Inf orm al Cr ew Bri efi ng. 4-28 Informal Crew Debriefing. Secti on A: Crew Membe r’s Roles. 5-3 Cr ew Res po nsi bil iti es. 5-4 Handling and Transporting of Injured.


5-6 Sec tion B: Tre atm ent for Shoc k. 5-7 Sho ck Syn dro mes.

5-8 Ana ph yla cti c Sh ock. 5-12 Sectio n C: Resus citati on M ethods and Emerg encies. 5- 15 Res usc itat ion Pro ced ures. 5-16 Heart Attac k.

5-18 Str oke. 5-1 9 Scu ba Inc ide nts. 5-20 Section D: Treatm ent for Wounds, Fractur es, and Burns. 5-23 Ban dag es. 5-24 Bl ee din g. 5-26 Frac ture (Br oken Bone s). 5-35 Bu rn s.

5-4 4 Sect ion E: Envi ronm ental Injur ies. 5-47 Eme rge nci es Cau sed by Hea t. 5-48 Emer genc ies Caus ed by Cold.

5-51 Hyp oth erm ia. 5-53 Nea r-dr own ing.

5-58 Fis h Bit es and Stin gs. 5-59 Sect ion F: Misce llan eous Emer genc ies.

5-61 Car bon Mon oxi de Poi son ing. 5-62 Poi son ing by Mou th. 5-63 Ey e Inj ur ies.

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