
In Chemical engineering, people need to solve lot of problems in the process calculations. If done by manual method these calculations consume more time and often creates confusion. On the other hand we can use simulation software to solve small material balance to mighty design calculations, but they are too expensive to install for personal use. Even though some free simulation software are available, they are restricted to some calculations only. Then what is the solution? Here comes Microsoft Office Excel.

Manual calculation excel 2010

Engineering Calculation Formula

In Microsoft Excel you can perform small arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, blah blah. To complex problems like iterations for a required case. Microsoft Excel is equipped with some predefined functions along with charts (includes line,bar,pie charts,etc.,) which are very helpful to solve the process calculations. For example cost of production can be compared between different process by using charts for a given compound. You can also define your own function in Excel if you know VBA (Visual Basic Application) programming, which can reduce your hectic work considerably. Microsoft Excel can handle lot of information which can be compiled for the given instructions. This is particularly useful in doing the material balance calculations in stream wise across different sections like reactor, columns, strippers, etc., A lot of predefined and calculated excel sheets are available in internet.

Here are some useful websites. Invest your time in learning excel and you can easily solve complex problems in Microsoft Office Excel.

Excel Engineering Calculation Templates

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Process Utilities makes chemical and mechanical engineering in Excel faster and simpler. My favorite feature is the set of conversion functions, which makes mass & energy balances and unit conversions extremely quick and intuitive. Without Process Utilities, engineers are routinely having to look up values and introducing possible sources of error. Furthermore, Process Utilities allows spreadsheets to be dynamic in ways that were not previously possible. Jason B, R&D Chemical Engineer, Boulder, CO As head of the engineering group at a clean chemistry company, I strongly recommend Process Utilities to all of our technical staff. My team uses it every day, from lab data analysis to process design and economic evaluation.

I have found that the add-in streamlines communication and virtually eliminates conversion errors as we pass spreadsheets between our chemists (working in SI units) and engineers (imperial units). I find it significantly improves my personal productivity in Excel. Philip M, VP Engineering & Product Development, Boulder, CO.

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