  1. Body Transformation Guide Pdf
  2. Body Transformation Guide

Body Transformation Guide Pdf


Body Transformation Guide

We talk about all things female transformation, our aim is for you to understand and be able to set up your own training and nutrition after the event, never having to 'diet' again and ditching the fat jeans. Women still believe in old myths, still trying to follow yo yo diets, struggling with food on the weekends and not knowing how to train in the gym. If you feel confused with all the information out there this is where we will clarify the facts and answer all your questions so you can have your very own body transformation. We have been in the industry for over 10 years between us and during that time have successfully helped hundreds of women become more confident and more informed about diet & exercise. We have helped many women achieve body transformations they never thought possible. This is for you if: - You struggle knowing what foods to eat and portion sizes - You lack confidence in the gym - You have hit a plateau - You are too busy and need a flexible approach - You have unhealthy food habits - You can't stay motivated or consistent - You struggle with food at the weekends - You are already love and are into fitness but want to gain more in depth knowledge We can't wait to see you there and help clarify what you actually need to do to transform your body. Seminar starts at 6.30pm in the Auditorium at The Forum, Norwich.

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latinnowbot – 2020