
Name of the book A Manual of Hindu Astrology Author Dr. Raman Publisher UBS Publishers Distributers Pvt Ltd Amazon Link The BVR Astrology series by UBPSD is more then enough collection of books to start learning astrology. For a die hard BVR fan, it is probably more than enough collection to even practice astrology, and as such, such a fan would refer to works of other astrologers just to get a different point of view. For both categories of astrologers, this is a good to book to refer to. The date of the preface of the first edition of this book is 5th October 1935. Forget about me, even my father wasn’t born then. The book touches on all subjects of mathematical astrology and at the end of reading this book, the student of astrology will have familiarized himself/herself with the astronomy associated with astrology, sayana and niryana longitudes of planets, apparent sunrise and sun set, bhava calculations, shodashvargas and as a result of this learning, the calculations to derive a horoscope will start making sense.

Having internalized most of the concepts, I do not refer to this book often now. I do go back when I need to check calculations of my astrology software and compare them with the examples given in this book.


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Questioner: I have studied Vedic astrology and I am wondering, does astrology work? Are we defined by the stars, or by intention and mind, or by the self? Sadhguru: You need to understand, India is not just about the Vedas or Vedic culture., the person who compiled the – his father was an Aryan and his mother was a Dravidian.


In spite of that, in South India, they don’t ascribe to the Vedas. Dravidian culture never went for astrology by looking at the stars, they made predictions by looking at people. Here, we have what is called Nadi Joshyam.

But the Aryan culture came with astrology. Astrology is an interpretation of astronomy. If you try to interpret something, invariably you miss a lot of points. So it is a mis-interpretation because you missed a lot of things. I only hope all predictions go wrong for you. Then it means your life is happening wonderfully.

The reason why the Aryan culture looked at the stars so much is, they were nomadic. They were always travelling. Since there were no roads, they needed to figure out which is north, which is south, which is east, which is west.

When the sun was up, they knew. Once the sun set, there was really nothing except fire and stars. So the Aryan culture revolved around fire and the stars. Even today, if people want to or do anything auspicious, they go around fire because nomadic cultures lived by fire and stars. Fire gave you light, heat, and protection from wild animals. The stars told you approximately which way to go.

Slowly, observing the stars, they figured which way to travel. They kept looking up and their knowledge of the stars increased. Interpretations started, and they developed a certain mastery and knowledge about the stars. Look up or look down? The indigenous people of this land did not look up.

They always saw the and paid attention to her. Because they looked at the earth, they developed agriculture, almost before anyone else on the planet could think of it. That means, they had food growing in one place.

They did not have to chase anything. They did not have to go around picking something. They knew how to reap from the earth. Once they knew how to reap from the earth, they stayed in the same place. They started building homes; because they started building homes, they started singing.

Because they built homes and they had to count how many bags of grain they had grown, they started arithmetic. Mathematics, aesthetics, agriculture, and the developed in this culture because they paid attention to the earth. These are two different kinds of cultures, even in today’s world: One is always looking up, not at the stars anymore, but at the up there. The other one is always looking down.The looking-down cultures live more sensibly because they consider Mother Earth as God, so they walk a little more gently on the planet. Anyway, the choice is this: either you try to live your life by predictions or you have the capability to make a plan and fulfill the plan. All those minds which are incapable of a plan will look for a prediction.

The stars that you see in the sky are far away, so very far away that they have nothing to do with you. Just one star has a big influence upon you –. And its satellite, also has some influence upon you. This planet has an even greater influence upon you. But above all, what is within you has the biggest influence upon you. All those who are incapable of committing themselves to a plan and fulfilling it, want a prediction. The advantage with predictions is, you can keep changing them.

But if a plan has to work, you have to pay enormous attention in creating one. Then you have to stick to it. I only hope all predictions go wrong for you.

Then it means your life is happening wonderfully. Otherwise you are going by the script that was written by some fool. In India, for twenty-five rupees, or fifty cents, they will write your life. Let your life not be so bad. It does not matter what the hell happens, let something other than the prediction happen to you.

Is that okay? May your predictions and dreams not come true.

Because a prediction is just a compromised dream. I discard any such thought which try to differentiate Human & Humanity. This was being done by the Dirty Politicians to Rule the IGNORANT within their Political Cage(Political Boundary).

WE have One SUN which gives light & life to all living creatures & objects and We have One Mother Earth only for all Living Creatures here. But we Love creating POLITICAL Boundaries (Countries, Sub Division of States further) by means of WAR killing so many IGNORANT. All this is for what - just for few to have a lavish life on our donation (Tax) as Ruling Political Leaders & Bureaucrats, not for the mass of Humanity. Creation Of Religion & Division within the Religion as Sect & Caste is another Big Drama to differentiate Human & Humanity. ALL such dramas have only created conflicts & unrest.

More to say but not now. or to post comments.

Jyotish Astrology

To Describe in Simple: Vedic Astrology are all true.But to my understanding what he is trying to say is that above all the planetary influence there is a ultimate source called as ' SELF' is acting. But we all can be untouched from the past karmic influence by detaching ourself and focus on 'SELF'. All karmas only act when you are awake and surprise to note, these karma wont work at night when you are sleep.All are mind stuffs.Why planet is influencing because SELF is inside and all planet are forcing us to know the self actually. And to become one with existence.:). or to post comments.

Sadguru is right Yatha ande tatha pinde.Every human being has within himself the elements of the planets.The planets are nourished by primordial Connections from the Cosmos.Each Magnetic influence causes a different output in life.The magnetic influence is a result of our Past actions.Planetary interactions cause a life pattern to emerge which we believe is incapable of change.One needs a bigger force to unsettle the settled life patterns to undo our Karmas which is positive divine grace. Two nadis matter Ida nadi which bears the force of the Sun and the pingala nadi which is the moon. There are three types of Karma.1.Prarabdha,2.Kriyaman and 3.Sanchit. Prarabdha refers to the things which are destined for us.

These are not changeable. Our birth in a particular family decides our genetic build up, our body colour, our height and many predispositions. Say if a family has a history of weak lungs everyone in the family inherits the same - this is prarabdha. Here you have zero choice. How many incidents in your life can you recount where you had absolutely no choice? That is Prarabdha.

Sanchit is the karma that we alongwith our near and dear ones create around us. This refers to the community, family, area and other collective variables around us. A person born in the family above may further weaken his lungs by exposure to cigarette smoking by self and by family members. Over the these effects are accumulated.( Sanchit ). Here we have some choice. Kriyaman is the karma that we set into motion in the here and now. So if the person born in above family decides to quit smoking, remain away from smokers, and lead a healthy life, his health will begin to improve and will wash out or reduce the ill effects of years of neglect and hereditary factors.

Here we have full choice. All the three karmas proceed simultaneously. Our past deeds are integrated into our present nature and situation.

What you are today is on account of how you have been. At every point we have a choice, but the more choices we make more we box ourselves into the situation.

A fresh view of the situation may churn out different and practical solutions. In society, we are not isolated, but a part of a system. Hence, our success in society depends more on how well we match, connect and utilise our resources, and less on individual performance. The horoscope tends to reveal our basic strengths, weaknesses, inclinations and predispositions - whether expressed or otherwise. Further astrology can help us to know when the time is favourable or unfavourable for a particular course of action. It can also reveal our tendencies that are holding us back and the tendencies that we can utilize to solve our problems and forge ahead.

or to post comments. Well I think the first the first Sage to document about astrology was Brighu Maharshi. T here is a story you guyz can read about on the internet where he made a prediction about two people one was supposed to become King and the other he predicted would end up in a prison when they grow up. But it turned out the reverse actually happened. When the Sage was asked about it the Sage replied it was because of the will power, and the way they lived their life that changed their destiny. The person who was supposed to go to jail used his will power and followed righteous path and became a King.

The other person who was destined to become a king took it for granted and started living reckless life and ended up in prison. So moral of the story is our past Karmas will create 'situations' for you, but you still have your 'free will' on how you can respond and react to the situation and create your own destiny.

I heard it from a guru and wanted to share it with you all. or to post comments. I have utmost respect the spiritual magnitude of sadhguru, I have spend almost a week in the dhyanlinga.The way this article says that the 'indigenous' People considered Earth as their mother not the Supposed 'Aryans' is completely Baseless. 'Mata Bhoomi: putro aham prithvya' (Atharva veda (12.1.12) (meaning: Earth is the Mother and I am her son) is enshrined in the Vedas and no where in the Vedas its said that GOD is somewhere in the SKY on the contrary Vedas firmly establish that GOD is present every where as the all pervading consciousness 'Sarvam khalvidam brahma'. Its unfortunate that Sadhguru ascribes to the debunked Aryan Dravidian theory. or to post comments. 'in South India, they don’t ascribe to the Vedas.'

Shankaracharya (Kerala), Ramanuja (Tamil Nadu) & Madhavacharya (Karnataka), who wrote Bhashyas for Brahmasutras are from South India. Pandyas & Cheras participated in the Mahabharata war! There are hundreds of Vedic shakas in South India. There are 2 cosmologies: Chandramana & Souramana and both are practiced here.

Vedic Jyotisha is practised in a major way and is the mainstream astrology. To say that South India was not part of Vedic culture is a false statement. Please correct it. Aryan-Dravidian theory is completely bogus. There is no scientific evidence for it and should not be propagated by the Isha Foundation.

or to post comments. Nice article, but one thing I want to point is Bramharshi Vyasa's mother was not Dravidian (also not sure whether this Aryan and Dravidian classification at all is correct; keeping in mind many genetic study and our Shastras) but from same group of people who were settled in that time in the area (as Mahabharata is considered here mainly the area of Ganga and Yamuna basin) but of different class or caste, most probably Shudra (as per the Mahabharta itself and other Puranas). In this perspective we must reconsider basis of these classifications (whether be it Aryan and Dravidian or 'Chaturbarna') with proper scientific studies (genetic is the best way so far) and not linguistic which has been popular so far(it could be deceptive time to time).

or to post comments. Right Sullivan. Appreciate your views. Thats what I am saying, If I say you cant be rich, you will work hard to achieve it. Eventhough as per astrology, your life is scripted, lesser you know better it is and it is all upto the astrologers intuition, experience, conviction and integrity that matters on how he guides the people who come to him for guidance. But its not a nomads foolish observation, i have seen sdaguru talking about astrology as the way sages used for guidance like how GPS works now. So, lets stick to one kind of reply for eveything.

or to post comments. I too studied and practicing Astrology, in my opinion i am sure Sadguru is meant by saying that please keep all those astrological predictions etc.on one side and try to live for today. Which is very important for achieving peace of mind.

No one will escape from past Karma including Sadguru, however few turning points can be altered just like a good driver versus poor driver comparing their driving skills. All the living things have Prana in their body and they live plus do their Karma. The only difference between Human and others are man change change his current karma and be happy in life, whereas others can only do their Karma as destined to them.

Therefore, man can learn, practice and understand the truth by hard work rather than depending completely based on an astrologer. Very recently i predicted 2 incidents and that came true and the seeker called and appreciated my prediction. How did this happened. There was no extra efforts from either side (me or the seeker).

What i saw in his horoscope is the result of his Karma. This is what an Astrologer is doing like a doctor who examine and mix his knowledge/experience and giving the right medicine to cure ailments.

Any way quite interesting subject.but please live for today!. or to post comments. Yes, There is a concept called birth time rectification where the astrologer ask you serious of questions and try figure out the time as close to a minute but its a quite advanced topic. Coming to your other which is the right time of birth, the right time is the moment baby cries and takes in the cosmic cry also sometimes others say it the time when you cut the amblical cord as some say the souls journey begins that time when it is cut from the mother.

I am doing a research on thi but no proper qualitative or quantitative data available. or to post comments. Sadhguru is spot on with respect to thinking of Dravidian and Aryan people which can be noticed even today of you are willing to observe without prejudice. However, over thousands of years cultural, social and intellectual mixing between races has produced a common culture among us which cannot be separated. Most of us are product of these two races. Hence those distinctions are hard to differentiate. And those who would like to believe that Aryans were not settlers from outside are misinformed.

Archaeological evidences overwhelmingly for Aryans came from outside. The articles you read in internet has no archaeological or research backing. They are simply their wishful thinking of those who do not want to accept the facts. In spiritual world, Shiva was associated with bull (Nandi) not with a horse which was proven to be came along with people of central Asia.

Burial sites in central Asia has skeletons of horses while the remains of Indus Valley sites has none. or to post comments. I have deep respect for Sadhguru and quite agree with most of what was said by him in this article. However to say Aryan vs. Dravidian is to give in to the British method of divide and rule.

New excavations are bringing up concrete proof that Aryans were indigenous to our subcontinent and not FOREIGN. As far as I can see, what he is saying holds true but only in the sense of nomads and settlers. Why put Aryan and Dravidian into it? We are much divided and fragmented enough without having one more fictitious division pushed in. or to post comments. I really felt relieved after reading what Sadguru had to say about astrology. I don't know what makes other people say in their comments that astrology works and is something that you can alter your life events with.

But recently I've met and discussed my details with 4 different astrologers, and almost all had the same answer. Of course I felt helpless after knowing what they had to say. It felt like I have to give up on my dreams and have to live a scripted life. But after reading what Sadguru had to say, I feel as if a heavy burden has fallen off my head.

or to post comments. Sadhguru says: 'All those minds which are incapable of a plan will look for a prediction.' Sorry to say but please stop generalizing & exaggerating on that 'incapable minds look for predictions'! You need yourself to dive deep into the subject of astrology to really understand it.

It is not a mere interpretation of some nomads but a beautiful scientific world with a network of mappings that coherently work. To develop respect for any subject or derive your interpretations, you need to decode its minute details. or to post comments.

Namaskaram Sadhguru. Astrology is a great science, but it demands astrologer to be a greater interpreter to get the findings correctly. The one who wrote about Astrology had realized everything in his experience, he wouldnt need set of algorithms to predict, but to pass on this intelligence he needs to write it down.

Now the second generations will have to read and predict, with many invasions in between, we are at loss of our great masters works. At this juncture and Astrology made to be a business instead of divine service, we may have to be careful. As well, a very concious being can escape compulsive behavior, but not escape Karmic rules, the macrocosm. About Aryan invasion, first we need to conclude what ARYAN really means.?? India being a peninsular country, invasion can happen only through North, so the invaders from west would have settled in North over time.

But the Indus valley civilization is very much Indian, and all the India have spoklen Brahmic languages which is now called Tamil. So in general invasion from North and their settlements must have been misconcluded to be Aryan invasion. It is just western invasion.Whenever there was invasions the natives were driven out after robbing their wealth.

Otherwise what we call us Dravids and Aryans are of same Indian origin. The invaders who settled in North due to geographical reasons renamed themselves to be Aryan, which is the hypocricy to rule the country. Real Aryans and Dravidians are indians, fake so called Indo-aryans who used the term as Camouflage are just invaders. or to post comments.

Manual Of Hindu Astrology Jyotish Jataka

I used to think the same, I would think 'why bother trying if I'm just a puppet and some higher force is pulling my strings?' Then I realized that destiny/fate/free will are all the same. You can predict what a person will do and how the world will respond by looking at their chart. I know the concept is unreal to many because we live in a world where we want to believe that if we just try hard enough and make the 'right choices' then we can have anything we want whenever we want it. But if that were true we'd all be rich, good looking, happily married, healthy and free of any problems!

The things is that our free will is mysteriously intertwined with our destiny/fate. In other words, a HIGHLY skilled astrologer can look at your chart and tell you in advance how your free will, will play out to meet with your destiny.

Does that make sense?. or to post comments. As I understand astrology in Indian system is not that simple.

Many of the people today have basically no understanding of astrology. Some just read few books and become astrologers and try to use this knowledge to earn easy money. Hence all their predictions fail. They just use date and time of birth to create the map of life which is totally absurd. We need more data than just birth date and time. How can one explain twins born at the same time growing to become totally different individuals with different characters and having totally different future? Current astrologers just use this birth date and time and claim to read their entire future which I feel is absurd.

I do understand we can create the astrological map but it needs much more data than mere birth date and time. or to post comments. Once this happened that one very old and loyal servant of a King had been seeing his master extremely disturbed, almost leaving interest in everything for last few weeks.Due to this not only the King's own health but also the health of entire kingdom was deteriorating day by day.

Once he dared to ask the reason for it, King replied that an astrologer has predicted that his life is left not more than a few months from now and he is going to die within this year. 'This is a very well known, siddh astrologer, on whom i have unshakable faith.' The servant thought for a few second, and then dared again - 'Could you call that astrologer once again, Maharaj, as i have a solution for this'. King was hesitant, but since the servant being old and loyal, paid heed to his request, and called the forteller.

Then the servant asked about his own life-span i.e., when he is going to die? The astrologer did all the calculations taking into account the minutest of details and then said that - he has a very life and will leave at least another 25 years for sure. The servant suddenly took out the sword from the nearby standing soldier's hands, and prompt took away his head from his body making himself died instantly. Needless to say, the King's eyes got opened, imprisoned the forteller, and lamented profoundly on the death of his loyal servant.

This story, whether true or fictional, and the servant's logic has made me disbelieve the astrology completely. or to post comments. With all due respect, it is easy to make light of something we do not understand fully. However, commonsense needs to prevail. The statement - 'astrology is an interpretation of astronomy' seems a conclusive analysis on a science that is clearly less understood. Is it really just an interpretation of astronomy, and nothing more?

How do you substantiate this? In any scientific analysis, the only one who can offer a balanced criticism of the subject is one who is well versed in it. For example, in the presentation of a dissertation, when a PhD candidate defends his study, the people critiquing him are people who are very knowledgeable in the same field. Criticism that comes out of knowledge of the subject would indicate rational criticism. Otherwise, we are just one of the characters in the story of the seven blind men trying to understand what an elephant really is. All things that are logical are not necessarily the truth. We miss the big picture.

The science is bigger than just an aryan and dravidian divide. Let common sense prevail. In answer to the question - 'Does astrology work?'

My response is - depends on who is interpreting it. or to post comments. With knowledge of astrology via systems approach to vedic astrology and having seen several of my prediction coming true and also via remedial measures several of the trends in life been averted for many people, I can say the basic premise that stars influence people is not accurate. Astrology is about reading karmic patterns of unconscious living.

Stars dont influence but their certain arrangement gives insight to prarabdha karma and the likely occurence of these. But when one starts consciously living life one starts becoming the creator of ones destiny.

The fatalistic views of astrologers and those who seek advice has given the presumption that stars influence us. Sadhguru never mentions an invasion theory so not surs why some folks are talking about it, culturally and race wise their is an Aryan race just like in the north east of India we see mogoloid like race slowly transforming to mongloids as we move into China etc.

If one is transfixed in the past or lives in fear and anxiety of future then it is not our true potential, improper use of astrology can promote this which is happening and sadhguru is in a stern way warning against it. Casting a persons character or life event is not the purpose of astrology but one can use this tool to move into higher realms of yoga. or to post comments. Dear Sadhguru, I am neither a Isha Yogi nor a follower of your path. However I want to put it succinctly. Sir you are wrong. Astrology is a science with great past and history.

Many of the astrological theories / maxims have been enunciated / propounded by great sages like Parasara which are throwing light in many peoples life. A horoscope is the lamp in a man's life.

It gives direction. True we should not know the future as our Guruji told. Please go through some books and I request you to reconsider your opinion Regards Subba Rao. or to post comments. I have experienced these predictions.

I had consulted many popular Astrologers and no prediction came true. Besides I was advised remedies and after following it for one full year the same Astrologer suggested something else which is an about turn. For my son's problem when I consulted First time I asked about reading my (Father's )Horoscope as well for which he said it is not required.

After one year same guy wanted to see my Horoscope also. When I challenged this he started telling me stories which I realized is a nonsense. I fully agree with Sadguruji's advise that we should Plan our life and focus on achieving what we planned. There were many such instances in my life where I ended up in wasting money and time. In my opinion one gets into these Astrology when you are helpless and desperate and after taking advise from Astrologer people unconsciously act on the advice to make it true. or to post comments. Most often (99%) the planner consulting his inner self and the astrologer are incompetent in their respective spheres.

Since man is not infallible, he errs - he is human, he looks for inputs for perfecting his plans, from that Superior Omnipotent, Omnipresent self/ force via an astrologer whose competence can never fully or reliably be ascertained. Just as there is within the individual there is the self, there is also the reflection of it in the outer space filled with the celestial bodies gravitating on the destinies of man from afar. To reject either of these entities is un-Vedic. The quest to get an inkling of the future in order to further refine a plan of action is pathless and both the common and the un-common people will continue on tgis quest, since, being a speck of divinity, man urges on with curiosity and hope, and desires - qualities which the Vedas declare even the Para-brahman has. or to post comments.

Beyond ones horosocope, we also have karma.soul's journey to fullfill its karma in the present birth is determined by the Time, Date and place of birth. If you have twins, eventhough the time of birth is as close to say in seconds or minutes. Still we can have different journey overall based on the souls karma. Apart from the natal chart, we have 64 divisional charts and out of that we consider 16 divisional charts as par Brihat Parasara Hora shastra. These 16 divisional charts change every minute or even every second if you higher divisionals like D10 or D9. Offcourse, we have so many people now a days talk about astrology by reading books.I have in total 10 years of learning and I am still learning. Astrologers get experienced by seeing more charts and by seeing more charts they get better intuition and intrepretation capabilities.

Being an astrologer or Gemologist is also ones karma, the horoscope should be like that. or to post comments. Rishi Parasara made astrology not for predictions, but to describe a person's mind, intentions, qualities, the karma and the destination of this life time.

Pls explain it from that angle. The planets and stars can never influence anyone physically, but energywise of course they can.

More over once u said that when ur wife vijji took mahasamadhi, the stars were in very auspicious combination energywise. Why cant u give us that greater perspective of this great vedic science??. or to post comments. I dont understand then what you are trying to predict then if you are not taking into account the karma of a person while making the predictions. Also If you think the minute second difference can have a great impact, then that itself proves that your predictions are surely going to be wrong. There is no way to determine a persons birth accurately to the minute second.

How on earth can one be so accurate if you can think of it? Any sensible person can say this is never going to be possible. This is totally absurd. or to post comments. All the more it is important to know the right method of registering time of birth.

This means majority of the people who cast their Horoscopes are not sure of right time of birth.As Horoscopes are drawn based on the time of birth and the various explanations you have indicated in your answer to Sullivan drawing the right type of chart depends on many aspects besides one need to consult so many charts to predict one's future. Besides you have rightly pointed out that it all depends on how much an Astrologer have learned and how many years of Astrology experience one has will play a significant role in arriving at predictions. Therefore considering so many variables and uncertainties,trusting Horoscope reading / predictions for one's life may give only a solace and not a solution. I do not think an astrologer can analyse one's Prarabda Karma. It is a better bet to plan our life and focus on achieving the same. Our Sadgurji has answered to the person who asked about Astrology and he precisely answered that is very much Pragmatic.

About reading Nadi Jothidam, the place is Vaideeswaran Koil in TamilNadu and there are many shops doing this work and we do not know which one is genuine. According to the scholars and the Senior Most Priests in the Temple the Palm Leaves available now at Vaideeswaran Koil are not the original ones.





or to post comments. Rightly said Sullivan the aryan invasion theory was a hoax. If Sadhguru starts preaching things beyond his scholarship then a lot of people will be misguided and McCaulay would be the winner after 250 years. Jyotish shastra is also one of the vedangs among the ashta angas of the vedas. Discrediting this science of jyotish without knowing it fully would be like living in a fools paradise. Shri Sadhguru should concentrate more on spreading spiritual knowledge because for that you just require to know english properly in today's world. For vedas and upanishads are the set of knowledge which are anadi or that which does not have a beginning or an end and can only be experienced by a person when one becomes eligible to recieve such knowledge by performing karma yog.

or to post comments. Pranams Sadhguru. I wish to ask Does Astrology improve the Person spiritually?

It gives a prescribed path or note to carry in the mind to be followed later. The Spontaneity of action or DOING THAT WHICH IS EXACTLY REQUIRED comes from the Inner Spirit. The Pinda represents the Anda. The Stars can dictate only to a certain extent.

I do not like any Astrologer who makes a Living out of Predicting and spoiling people's free will to talk about the knowledge of Sadhguru who is a Realised Master. How firm is your Karma to talk about a Man who who contributed so much to the evolving of Consciousness of Humans? The Astrologer should have a discretion of what to say and not to say to the Person. But Do they follow that.? Is there anything GREATER THAN THE DIVINE WILL? Stars were HIS CREATION as well.

When you remain ROOTED IN HIM, then all this knowledgeable Astro abusers will see where their JOBS GO!!. or to post comments. For information to great author and commenting people, Vedic astrology is in existence right from Rigveda, Predictive principles are provided in great detail in Atharva Veda and it's allied literature.

I applied Atharva Vedic principles and predicted in 2011 and repeated in 2012 that China is going to face economic slow down, a recession that it may manage but impact has to be seen for long long time. So, if Vedic Astrology doesn't work, How right prediction could have been made successfully and that when no other sciences or management methodologies could be able to do, Let's know a subject before becoming judgmental. or to post comments. Matter by it's very nature, influences us, because we are matter ourselves.

If a matter/body as small as a car or a tennis ball that can nearly pass by you at a great speed can influence you, then every thing around us can influence us and that includes stars because everything, including the stars is matter - made up of atoms. And technically, we don't look up at the stars, we look around. Because the space is not up above us, it's around us.

Its just like the perspective of round Earth, which feels like flat but it is not. It's even mentioned by great astrologers like Parashara and Varahmihira that not everything is predestined. Only some amount of our life is predestined, because its created from past-life karma.

Rest of it is free will by which we create new karmas or complete the unfinished tasks. or to post comments. @kanta - I didnt mean any disrespect to guruji at all. I just commented on the Aryan invasion theory. Now with this knowledge we can look at guruji reasoning, it would give us a new understanding.

As i understand these stars and planets serves only as a record of our karmas and if one has the knowledge of astrology they canl help us understand our Prabda and read our future. But this doesnt mean we cannot change our future. As Sadhguru himself often says we can use our strong will power to shape or change our future and create our own destiny. or to post comments.

latinnowbot – 2020