
Dear Temr, shakespear this is very good thread, i will fllow this thread carefully. I used Eclipse and petrel for 2 years uptill now. I will learn more and more from disscusion, and i hope i can add points for our brothers. For Equlnum, pvtnum, satnum it is described perfectly by temr but it is little bit comlicated keywords for example EQULNUM you have to determine how many equilibration regions you have using key word TABDIMS in RUNSPECS section then you have to set the kodes 1,2,3. For all cells using key word EQULNUM in region section. Then you enter each region properties using Keywords EQUIL.

In solution section ok, let's make it easier in the attached PPT file go ahead Temr Regardsreservoirengineer See More. First of all Thank YOU all to all for you comment To Shakespear: I will review in details schedule section and how schedule calculates Kh, CCF, Ro with examples in excel file but as i said before i want do this thread step by step but section schedule is last )). But if you have specific question i will be glad to answer them.

Btw i speak Russian and heriot and watt is good recourse for knowledge SEUNCAROLINE, brainmolester: glad to see your input but do not forget to ask questions if any. Reservoirengineer- agree with you but the DATA file compile will be discussed later because the structure of this thread is first to give general overview of input data, some physics stand behind process in reservoir and then how to write all this in DATA file. The big problem of all manuals is they only teach how to press the buttons)). Again i will be glad from all you help and again thank you for you support. Zeliustitan - i will but it takes time to write and prepare sets. So described in Chapter 1 and 2 data allow to simulator 1. Position in 3D cell with having 8 coordinates and depth of each corner 2.

Calculate Area of Faces of cell for transmissibility's calculations. Calculate NTG, Pore Volume, Initial water Saturation ( detail will be discussed in Initialization chapter). Position the faults and define they permeability's. This all except water saturation is static parameters.

But simulator is used for dynamic purposes so then we need do describe the properties of changing parameters. Pressure of gird block 2. How much grid block rock can compress vs pressure 3. Saturation of each phase in grid block 4. Static Property of each phase like viscosity, formation volume factor, dissolved gas-oil ratio, bubble point versus pressure ( as eclipse 100 is isothermical we assume that temperature is constant) 5. Dynamic properties - how Fast one phase flow versus reference phase versus saturation of reference phase 1. To tell simulator pressure of grid block you need to supply table for each Equilibrium region (EQLNUM) giving at least to depth and according pressure ( bar for metric system, 1 bar = 0.986 Atm=14.504 Psi(field) ) like in example below.

400 70 500 90 This example shows that on depth 400 m pressure will be 70 and on depth 500 m my pressure will be 90 bar Having two points Eclipse then can linearly extrapolate pressure for not given depth for example the pressure for depth 700 m will make 130 bar (pic1) Exercise 1. In excel build graph and get linear trend with that trend check pressure for 700 m. Rock Compressibility When i start to make my models one of my major question why do simulator needs rock compressibility.

This question was open till i wrote my 1 material balance program. So i will try to explain it brief and simple.

For each reservoir there 4 drivers ( the forces that help oil to get to the surface) and all of them calculates by eclipse 1. Depletion drive- energy comes from expansion of volume of oil due to dissolve gas 2. Segregation Drive- energy comes from expansion of Cap drive 3.

Water drive - energy comes from outcoming water ( aquifer or injected) 4. Expansion drive - energy comes from expansion of rock. To calculate this you need to supply rock compressibility The dimension of rock compressibility is 1/bars or bar -1 and mean how much rock will change in volume if pressure drows to 1 bar.

So why should we pay attention to this small value??? The Rock compressibility parameter is one of those who effects to Average reservoir pressure. And this is one of tuning parameter during history matching. Saturation of each phase in grid block ( detail description in Initialization chapter) First of all at any time Sw+So+Sg=1 Where Sw - water saturation So- oil saturation Sg - gas saturation Before Going to initializations lets make brief introduction for behave of Fluid in pore media This is very important to any reservoir engineer to understand physical process in the pore and forces which allow flow in pore media One of most important forces is capillary pressure Speaking in general capillary pressure (PC) is a force which is opposite to displacement force. Capillary pressure is the function of pore radius, tension forces of phases, wetability of phases The main thing you need to know about it is that for each type poro medea with increasing displacement force at the end the will be irreducible saturation of phase which you try to displace.

Swc- Saturation of water connate. The question you might have in your head could be why there is no Soi( Saturation of oil connate) - this is because, when oil start to penetrate to oil cap and as it lighter than water, the oil starts to displace water and in this case displacement force will be Archimedean force of oil and capillary pressure of oil which try to stop oil going up. For best example lets do the following Lets take cap and imagine that it is pore if you will pore oil(vegetable for ex) and then pore water you will have two-phase immiscible system. If you seal cap on top and reverse it you will have the model of pore during formation of oil cap the oil start to displace water. But due to big pore our capillary force will be very small and oil will displace water almost for 100%.

Chapter 4 In this chapter i will briefly describe eclipse data file structure and build data set for the test runs. Chapter 5 In this chapter we will review results of run they are 1. Restart file 3. Loading results to Petrel So once we run the case your data folder should consist of following files There to files which can give as information om runs. PRT file is a debug print eclipse file where eclipse sore all information on run, messages, errors pass it for now it will be discussed later.


RSM file is the file where eclipse store all information on mnemonics declared in summury.inc Eclipse mnemonics can be divided on several groope depending on first letter of mnemonic 1. 11.1 study guide answers biology. F. filed level, like FOPR means field oil production rate 2. G. groope level 3. W.- well level More detail you can in SUMMARY section overview of your eclipse reference manual.


Schlumberger Eclipse User Manual

Schlumberger Eclipse Reference Manual

Eclipse Reference Manual 2009.1 Schlumberger

Form PRT file you can get debug information for run tunings from RSM file you get all detail information on dynamic parameters like pressure, saturation, rates, injection etc. To process RSM file use excel as it fast comparing to GRAF As i mentioned previously for vizualization you have to 2 1 use Floviz - old slow staff 2 use Petrel For Importing run result data to petrel do following. Open test project in petrel and go to model section Highlight Property write click on mouse and choose import on section In dialog box choose And find your data file Click open you will get Click ok Now you get new folder were you have all steps dynamic properties including Pressuer and Satuarion From this you can easily create any visual data and crossection Next section will be schedule pictures link Point to another website Only the registered members can access.

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