
Bought 2011 sorenta feb/2010, loved the vehicle, big step up from the neon that we were driving. Now, one year later, feb/2011 went to accel on entrance ramp to major hiway, heard crunching noises there was no acceleration w/ gas pedal pushed down, pulled to the shoulder, in park it ran fine, put it back in gear & crunching noises non stop.

Police came by & put out road flares for our safety, this occurred at night, we were lucky,had to tow to nearest dealer, next day they tell me that transmission needs replacing.gave me a loaner, supposed to be four days till it is ready. Still waiting - hate it has anyone had any problems w/ the second transmission that was put in??? After doing a general search on kia's with transmission issues, I came accross this site. To be honest, I AM SICK! I bought a brand new 2011 Kia Sorento on December 2010.

On April 14th, I was headed to work and it felt like I hit a brick wall. My car then would not shift gears and it would barely pull out. So I called a tow truck to haul to nearest Kia dealer.

(Hometown Kia in Beckley) The tow truck was going to take 3 hours so my husband met me ad decided to drive it the 3 miles to the dealership. Once we got in there, the VERY FIRST thing the service guy said was 'you didn't buy it from here did you?' That is when everything went down hill. Needless to say, I left that dealership and parked it at a local shopping center until my dealership in Princeton (Cole), who is awesome by the way, got back with me to tell me what I needed to do. In the mean time, the Sorento started shifting normally after shutting it off and starting it again. I was told that I could drive the Sorento to Cole's but to be careful.

Kia Sorento Auto Transmission Manual For Towing

Cole's is about 40 miles away. Do not go over 60 miles an hour and the worst thing that could happen is that it would 'hit the wa;; again.' Oh, and I failed to mention my vehicle has 5,800 miles on it. So I took my car in on Thursday afternoon and got it back on Saturday morning.

The 'replaced' the transmission. All was good until Friday, April 22nd.

My husband was driving it and BAM! It did it again. The second transmission with less than 1,000 miles on it and less than a week old is now doing the same thing.

My car has 6,600 miles on it and they are getting ready to put a NEW tranmission in it again.the 3rd one!! What the heck?!?! I am located in WV and I think Lemon Laws here is 3 times with the same problem. Gosh this is horrible!

Sorry to hear about your troubles! WV Lemon laws should be on internet, however, you might call the Attorney General's Office. My wife and I lived in WV for 15 years and through politics, we met the Attorney General many times.

Point is, the politicians were very easy to access and very helpful. Glad you were not hurt, or your husband. As with all my replys, I hope you might find time to file a complaint with the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration on the internet via www.safecar.gov and then go to 'Vehicle Owners' and then 'File a complaint'.

Once enough complaints are filed, the US Govt will force a recall on the KIA Sorento. Good luck and we are on our 2nd Transmission and still have problems, however, the dealer cant 'Duplicate our concern'.:lemon. First off when you read a forum such as this it is going to appear that the vast majority of Sorento owners are having problems. People that are having problems are going to be attracted to these threads because it gives them an opportunity to vent. I have a 2011 Sorento EX V6 purchased in June 2010 and have had no problems with my transmission, knock on wood.

I'm not sure, but it seems that the main problem for a small percentage of owners seem to be with the 4 cylinder. There is a TSB for a problem with the tranny in the 4 cylinder engines and it requires about 5 to 6 hours for the repair. They pretty much have to tear down the thing. Try this link it has a thread on this.

2014 Kia Sorento Repair Manual

My transmission was a 4 cylinder auto, not a 6, and my trans went. Its been fixed, and luckily, no more problems. I believe there has not been a full recall issued, but Kia has sent I guess what they call a 'service recommendation' that addresses the problem.

I hope they issue a recall, because my the car just stopped accelerating when this happened. Luckily, I was just getting off an exit, so it was easy to pull over, but God forbid your in the center lane of an expressway doing 65.

That could cause all kinds of trouble!!! I don't know a whole lot about cars, but I do know that I have a problem. I was driving back home yesterday and when I got in the interstate, I noticed that the car was very sluggish. I also noticed that it wasn't going above 50mph, and that's even with the pedal floored. I then thought that I'd try it in manual and that did the trick. The manual shifting got me to 70mph with no problems. I noticed no noise issues or vibrations.

When I stopped at a traffic light on the interstate exit, I put it back into auto mode, and when I put the gas on to move forward, I felt a jolt and then I was moving again. Can anyone tell me what's going on? I purchased my car used with 106K miles and now it's at 130K. 2005 Kia Sorento 4x4 V6.

I have a kia sorento which i bought in 2009. It was a new vehicle, i purchased it in march of 2009.

In May of the same year, I had to take it in for service because it was making a loud whining noise. I thought it was transmission related but I had it checked out by an independent mechanic because I was very worried driving with 2 children and there was not a dealership at that time in the area.he stated the transmission was fine but that it was a problem with the drive train/rear end. I called Kia made a service appt. And took it in the following day.I received a call from them 2 hrs later, it was the rearend and would have to be replaced! Are you kidding brand new car and replace the rearend? Ok they fixed cost nothing due to warranty, went to get it and was told by service manager that this was a widespread problem, but just on kia sorento 2008 models. Nothing else.

There was a recall on passenger side air bag they corrected that. I still have problem whining sound again. They said it was nothing this time but i dont believe it. I think they dont want to replace again, hoping warranty will run out.Never again. I experienced the same 'hitting a brick wall' feeling while driving on I-75 at 75 MPH. It was the scariest thing, especially since I am 8 months pregnant and was unable to get my car started again after I pulled over.

What did the dealer tell you was the issue. I got the 'we can't replicate the problem' speech from them today. I wish I could predict when it would happen again, but unfortunately, my crystal ball is broken. How long did it take before they admitted there was an issue and replaced the transmission? So sorry to hear about your ordeal and thankful you, and your unborn child, were not injured. Good news on the Transmission. Go to WWW.SAFECAR.GOV and you can look at the service bulletins as well as the recalls on the KIA Sorento 2011 and you will see that there is now a recall to replace the transmission.

Call you dealer or call the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration and good luck to you. Thanks to all whom complained on this site as well as the NHTSA (Safecar.gov) website. We did it!!!:shades. We have a 2003 kia and had problems with the crankshaft bolt.ours was a recall which i think they half-assed fixed because about 40,000 miles later it broke again and they would only repair it at our expense. We have had so many problems with our kia that we have decided to get rid of it finally.it is just too expensive to keep. We spend around 1200.00 a year just to keep it running.

And every repair is around 600 to 1000. ' i think the majority of these kias are LEMONS. I finally took KIA to Court. While I can't tell anyone what to do, as I'm not an Attorney. I can tell you what I did. In Texas, we have the 'Lemon Law' Court with an Administrative Law Judge. It cost $35 only.

I find it an excelent way to fight back. Remember, as taxpayers, we also have the right to file with the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration.

It takes some looking on the website, however you have the right to file a complaint AND there is a place on the site whereby I look up recalls as well as 'Service Notices' which are voluntary recall measures. Good luck to anyone whom owns a rotten KIA Sorento!:lemon. Hello, my 2011 kia sorento was fixed on recall regarding the tranny. After driving for 26 days I had a bad accident.

It takes 20 minutes from home to work and I'm positive that the vehicle engine is in normal temperature. I stopped at MCDONALD REST. To buy my breakfast. The vehicle is facing towards the building of the restaurant. I got on and started my veh.

Step on my brakes to engage in reverse. The car started shaking, reversed and start spinning 360 degrees, hit the railings and the ramp of the restaurant and drive forward inrto the middle of the parking lot, and it stop because the two rear control arm (axles) were broken. I was shaken and it was hard to remember what really happened.

What i explained was the same as what the witness saw while lining up on the drive thru to order her breakfast. The witness came over and helped me. The cost of the damaged was so expensive that I have to go thru my insurance.

I had the vehicle fixed by reliable shop not Kia in order for me to verify that the accident was the result of the recall repair. The vehicle is drivable and I'm still waiting for some parts from KIA. I almost forgot that on that early morning before the accident the vehicle reversed on unreasonable speed on its own. I have to control by applying the brakes. My husband is driving the vehicle and he told that he is always alert everytime he backs up. I need your advice before i will informed KIA. Thank you very much, Nelda.

I also have a 2005 KIA Sorento and I was experiencing the same problem while on the way home to Indiana last year my car kept jumping into 3rd gear; so when I returned home to Florida I took her to the dealer and was told that I had water in my transmission housing unit he said that this happens on Kia's. He drained the transmission fluid and flushed the water from the housing unit and the check engine light went off. Now this is doing it again and not only that but my lights are out in the back when I turn on my headlights.

I do have brake and praking lights but after that when I am going down the road (after being pulled over by the police) I was told I have no back lights on. I don't know what would cause this problem because I had the fuses and bulbs checked out and they all function fine. I was advised that the BCM might need reflashed. What is your opinion. I had the same problem! Bought the 2008 Nov.

Kia sorento transmission parts

2010 used with 23,700 miles on it and over the summer was hearing a whining noise that kept getting worse. By that time I had 40K on it and the repair man said it was the differential that needed replacing. I submitted for warranty and KIA refused sayig that I failed to perfrom the 22k mile check on the vehicle which included changing the fluyid in differential. I had done routine service each month on the vehicle by a local service station and had all records.

I told them that I bought it after that service check from the Kia delearship so it should be covered, they said No, used vehicle is bought as is. I told them that the dealer sold me the car with the 60K Warranty from KIA and if that was the case it is false advertising since they knowingly sold me a car that was not kept up to date on maintenance. They still refused.

Tehy didn't even bother to open up the differential to make sure what the part failure was. I called 1-800 LEMON LAW for breach of warranty. (awesome resource) I faxed them all my repair records, I paid nothing. The attorney fees were paid by KIA and my repair was fully paid for. However, they had my vehicle 19 days and would not reimburse me for a car rental. Also they replaced the parts in the differential that were bad (bearings) but i still hear and feel a small vibration.

The repair was done Oct of 2011 and it is only Dec and I am concerned that it will break before the 60K warranty is up (at 53K now) and the repair is only guaranteed for 12K. KiA warranty is crap, they gurantee a new car for 100K but once it changes hands it is only covered to 60 K.

Also if you go over the mile checks by 500 miles then it voids the warranty. Sounds like a good deal at first but KIA is hgih maintenance!!!! Due to the ability of the vehicle to go between 2WD and 4WD, if youget a flat tire and need it rplaced, they suggest you change all four so that there is even tread wear and thus not dmaging the drivetrain. So everytime you change tires it is 4 at a time? Small fortune.

I get it but i would not buy AWD or such ever again if that is the case. I am giving it to my daughter as a first car, can't take the hit on the re-sale. Just good for around town but not for serious driving to and from work (hour each way).

I have a 2010 Sorento with 10K miles and was driving on I-95 last night. I thought someone hit me from behind because there was such a jolt. There was no car close enough to have hit me so I pulled over to see if I had hit something. There was no damage, but when I pulled back onto the highway the car was sluggish. As I continued to accelerate I noticed the car was not shifting.

I pulled over again and put the shifter in the manual mode and the transmission was stuck in fourth. It could not be manually shifted into any other gear. I proceeded to drive the rest of the way home, about 15 more miles, and it remained in fourth. Once in my driveway I shifted into neutral and reverse and drive. It went into each range, but in drive it was always in fourth. This morning it was fine and I drove over 50 miles with out incident.


I looked on the NHTSA website and see some recalls for the Sorento, but none for the transmission. Do you have the recall number for NHTSA? I have a 2011 Sorento SX with 24,000 miles on it. I love the car but the other day I shifted from park to reverse with a loud thud and shake. Did it over and over with same results so I took it in to dealer( Classic Kia in Texarkana). Dealer has a good service department and after checking it out told me that it had a tsb for a transmission software update. They did update and all was good for ten days.

My wife got in the car ten days later and here we go again. Back at dealer again.

They were having trouble replicating it this time so they kept it overnight. I know that Kia issued a transmission recall for the 2011 Sorento 4-cylinders but the 6-cylinders were not included. I'm beginning to think they should have been. I know I've got the 100,000 powertrain warranty, but I would really like to just get this fixed and regain my trust with the car. Hey bent4, my wife is having exact same issue, when she puts in reverse it suddenly jolts w a loud noise stopping the car instantly like she suddenly hit something. She gets out and sees nothing as usual. I was starting to believe it was user error like she wasnt releasing the emergency brake or something, but she finally had it happen today with a witness so now I know its not her and now I believe its a problem w the car.

2011 kia sorento like yours exact same problem. Took it in several times for same issue, first time they did that software update, but keeps happening. The other issue of the car suddenly stalling on the freeway hasnt happened since they updated that software, but this issue is not going away and I'm getting ready to contact someone about our rights in this matter! Feel free to email me Thanks! I have a Kia Sorrento 2011 with about 22k miles on it. I drove it this morning and when I pulled in to park, I could not move the shifter (sorry, don't know what the name is for the thing you use to change gears for an automatic). It was stuck in Drive.

I tried to jiggle it free, then turned off the car while in drive, then back on. Jiggled it some more and it finally moved into Park. Drove home and the exact same thing happened, and I followed the same steps. Reading all of the comments above I am concerned. Obviously has something to do with the transmission but not sure what. Seems like it could be something that could get worse.

2018 KIA Sorento Owners Manual Pdf 2018 KIA Sorento Owners Manual Pdf – Power comes from the humble four cylinders of the basic model. We prefer the new 240-power turbo-4 to this generation, but cannot order in the third row seat. Big V comes off with more worry than turbo-4, but without a lot of fuel drain, 50 horsepower is stronger. All are equipped with a well tuned 6-speed automatic, and the turbo-4 and V can be combined with integral traction with a central differential lock. Within the cabin, Sorrento makes its best impression. It works like a plush stuffed SUV, with soft-touch plastic, beautiful skins, and supple front seats. The second row bench needs more third row work available: that low bench pillow does not have the right support or shape.

The loading area is more useful formed and larger before, if the third place is absent or bent is still not extensive. The crash test scores are very good, and Sorrento offers the latest security technology in most models. Other features include infotainment, large chrome wheels, high-end audio as well as surround-view cameras. The Sorrento Cockpit has Poland and organizations that were lacking in previous generations.

The cabins are flooded with soft-touch trim, and on the model, beautiful leather. The controls are grouped and sealed in logical zones, and dashes wrap everything in a cohesive way. It is attractive and functional, and overall, the dashboard itself feels a bit lower than before, but important controls are actually placed high. 2018 KIA Sorento Owners Manual –.

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